About us

Welcome to BPVP Design, where illustrations tell stories, and creativity knows no bounds. I'm Barbara Vargas, an illustrator deeply connected to my Latin roots, and this is not just a brand; it's my vibrant journey of expression.

Who am I?

BPVP Design is my artistic heaven, it's storytelling through illustrations. Rooted in Latin heritage, I draw inspiration from the richness of nature, intricate forms, and a kaleidoscope of colors. Drawing, reading, and sewing are not just hobbies; they are the threads that weave the fabric of my creations.

What inspires me?

Nature's wonders, the vivid hues of life, and the desire to bring stories to life fuel my inspiration. From whimsical children's book illustrations to sophisticated patterns and licensing products, each creation is a testament to the limitless potential of imagination. The love for transforming short stories into tangible garment pieces drives the heart of BPVP Design.

What I believe in?

I believe in responsible sourcing, supporting slow fashion, and ethical consumption. Every product and garment you find here is meticulously crafted, sourced from responsible origins, and embodies the principles of slow fashion. My commitment is not just to style but to values that resonate with conscious consumers.

Explore BPVP Design for a unique blend of creativity and culture. Immerse yourself in illustrations that transcend traditional boundaries, from enchanting children's books to striking patterns and licensing opportunities. This platform is not only about selling merchandise; it's an invitation to join a community that celebrates individuality, creativity, and responsible choices.

Embark on this journey with me, where every illustration has a story, and every creation reflects the spirit of BPVP– Barbara P. Vargas P. ,Illustrations for the bold. 🌟✨